The Tenderloin Park Network connects the neighborhood’s parks and open spaces into a linked set of assets that support and uplift each other while providing connection, joy, and play. The Park Network is a partnership between Tenderloin Community Benefit District, Central City SRO Collaborative, La Voz Latina, Lower Polk Community Benefit District, San Francisco Recreation and Park Department, and The Y of San Francisco.
The Tenderloin Park Network is supported by funding from Hellman Foundation, Lower Polk Community Benefit District, Mid Market-Foundation, and the San Francisco Office of Economic Workforce and Development. Learn more about how to support the Tenderloin Park Network here.
Our Partners
The Tenderloin Community Benefit District
Founded in 2005, the Tenderloin Community Benefit District (TLCBD) is a dynamic nonprofit organization based in San Francisco. Our core purpose is to Lead the Evolution of the Tenderloin into a Vibrant Community for ALL.
Grounded in values of Connection, Respect, Responsibility, and Courage, we work relentlessly to provide a clean and safe environment and positive experience for visitors and residents in the Tenderloin. Through strong community partnerships and supportive collaboration with city agencies, our team leads the day-to-day operations of programs including Neighborhood Pride, Inviting Space, Safe Passage, Clean, Camera Network, and Economic Opportunity.
Central City SRO Collaborative
The mission of the Central City S.R.O. Collaborative is to build community morale and to enhance the quality of life for low-income residents currently occupying Single-Room Occupancy hotels in the Tenderloin and South of Market (SoMA) neighborhoods. We accomplish this by organizing and empowering tenants to advocate for better living, sanitary, and habitable conditions within their hotels and around the community.
La Voz Latina
La Voz Latina was founded in 2005 and since then the program has become a primary resource center for the Latino community living in the Tenderloin neighborhood. What began as a tenant rights advocacy program has expanded to become much more than a single-issue community project.
La Voz Latina is committed to supporting the various needs of low-income, monolingual Spanish-speaking immigrants in the neighborhood providing housing assistance, immigration information and advocacy, Spanish interpretation, public safety, and leadership and skill development.
San Francisco Recreation and Park Department
The San Francisco Recreation and Park Department’s mission is to provide enriching recreational activities, maintain beautiful parks and preserve the environment for the well-being of everyone in our diverse community.
The Y of San Francisco
The Y of San Francisco is a charitable organization dedicated to the betterment of people in spirit, mind and body. We offer wellness and learning for all, from infants to seniors.