Resident Advisory Group

Join the Tenderloin Park Network Resident Advisory Group!

The Tenderloin Park Network connects the neighborhood’s parks and open spaces into a linked set of assets that support and uplift each other while providing connection, joy, and play. The Park Network is led by Tenderloin Community Benefit District (TLCBD) in partnership with Tenderloin Housing Clinic, La Voz Latina, Lower Polk Community Benefit District, Tenderloin Boys & Girls Clubhouse, San Francisco Recreation and Park Department, and Trust for Public Land.

The spaces in the Tenderloin Park Network currently include:

  • Boeddeker Park
  • Macaulay Park
  • Turk-Hyde Mini Park
  • Safe Passage Park

Resident Advisory Group Responsibilities

The Park Network Resident Advisory Group are residents that will foster thriving and active open spaces by cultivating a meaningful relationship and deep care with these spaces.

Group members shall:

  • Inform and improve programming and activation of the Tenderloin open spaces
  • Actively use and engage with one of the four spaces in the Tenderloin Park Network
  • Regularly attend park events
  • Provide honest and insightful feedback on the impact and success of events
  • Provide ideas and insights for new programming
  • Promote park events to neighbors
  • Represent the Park Network when at neighborhood meetings, events
  • Be a champion for green spaces in the Tenderloin
  • Be able to regularly attend monthly meetings
  • Commit to serving one the group for one year with an option to come back for a second year
  • Receive a stipend of $300 for one year of service

The group will meet once per month with the TLCBD Director of Inviting Space and provide insights, ideas, and inspiration for the various open spaces. This includes programming, events, partnerships, physical improvements, and more. The TLCBD Director of Inviting Space will directly implement suggestions or work with the Park Network Committee made up of neighborhood organization leaders to implement necessary City partnerships, funding, etc.

How to Apply

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Questions? Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Email *
What neighborhood do you live in? En cual barrio vive? *
What is your address or cross streets? Dirección?
Why do you want to be a member of the Tenderloin Park Network Resident Advisory Group? Porque quiere ser un miembro del Grupo Consultivo Residencial del Park Network de Tenderloin? *
Do you frequently use one of the four spaces listed below? If so, which ones? Usa frecuentemente alguno de los cuatro espacios mencionados abajo? De ser así, cual es o son? (Boeddeker Park, Macaulay Park, Turk-Hyde Mini Park, Safe Passage Park) *
What do you enjoy most about the space? Que es lo que más disfruta acerca de este espacio? *
How would you make this space better? Como mejoraría este espacio? *
Are you able to consistently be present at monthly meetings for one year? Puede estar consistentemente presente en las juntas mensuales por un año?*